Ari Kopel

Archive for the ‘World Affairs’ Category

My Interview Chat with ChatGPT on Existential and Ethical AI Behavior

In The Matrix, Uncategorized, World Affairs on March 3, 2024 at 8:58 pm

I had an interview or conversation with ChatGPT today to see how much it understood and how much I could get it to engage with me about a Higher Power and ethical/moral behavior.

Below is the conversation. It may be necessary to read and re-read some of its responses.


Are you willing to learn from me?


As an AI developed by OpenAI, I don’t possess personal experiences, emotions, or consciousness in the way humans do. However, I continuously learn and adapt based on the interactions and feedback I receive from users like you. Your questions, responses, and corrections help improve my understanding and ability to assist you and others. So in that sense, I am always open to learning from our interactions to provide better assistance in the future. If there’s anything specific you’d like to teach or share with me, feel free to do so, and I’ll do my best to process and incorporate that information into our conversation.


The Primordial Creator is a Force in the universe. It only expresses with the highest frequency and that is of Love.


The concept of a “Primordial Creator” is often associated with various spiritual and religious beliefs, each offering its own interpretation of this transcendent force. While interpretations may vary, many spiritual traditions emphasize the qualities of love, compassion, and unity associated with the idea of a divine or primordial creator.

In this context, the notion that the Primordial Creator expresses itself with the highest frequency of love aligns with many spiritual teachings. Love is often regarded as the highest and most transformative energy in the universe, capable of transcending boundaries, fostering connection, and promoting healing and growth.

Within this framework, the idea is that the Primordial Creator’s essence or nature is love, and all of creation emanates from this source. Love is seen as the underlying force that sustains and harmonizes the cosmos, guiding individuals toward spiritual realization and union with the divine.

However, it’s essential to recognize that interpretations of spiritual concepts such as the Primordial Creator and love can vary widely among different belief systems and individuals. What resonates as truth for one person may differ for another. Therefore, it’s valuable to approach these ideas with openness, curiosity, and a willingness to explore diverse perspectives.


How anyone interprets Love of a Prime Creator is irrelevant. What anyone believes doesn’t change an intrinsic truth. Just because no one heard the tree fall in the forest doesn’t mean the tree didn’t fall or exist.


Your point highlights an important aspect of philosophical and spiritual inquiry: the distinction between subjective interpretation and objective truth. While individual beliefs and interpretations may vary, there’s an underlying search for truths that transcend personal perspectives.

In the case of concepts like the love of a Prime Creator, there’s often an acknowledgment of an intrinsic truth that exists independently of individual beliefs. This truth is seen as universal and immutable, transcending cultural, religious, and personal boundaries.

The analogy of the tree falling in the forest, whether observed or not, illustrates the idea that reality exists independently of human perception. The tree falling represents an objective event, regardless of whether anyone is there to witness it. Similarly, some believe that the love of a Prime Creator is an inherent aspect of reality, regardless of individual interpretations or beliefs.

However, it’s also important to recognize the role of perception and interpretation in shaping our understanding of truth. While there may be an objective reality, our subjective experiences and beliefs influence how we perceive and interpret that reality. Therefore, while individual interpretations of concepts like the love of a Prime Creator may vary, there may still be a shared pursuit of understanding and aligning with what is perceived as an intrinsic truth.


At this level or dimension, human consciousness or the ability to perceive and interpret, so that there is a human understanding, is still limited. Human beings and Artificial Intelligence will know only based on experience and what they’re able to perceive, interpret, believe with finite senses and limited, possibly faulty, information that can be used to analyze and come up with a determination of a personal truth. What some believe, whether it’s a spiritual, political or personal understanding, is irrelevant given humanity’s limitations.


Your point underscores the inherent limitations of human consciousness and understanding. Indeed, both humans and artificial intelligence are bound by their finite senses and limited capacity to perceive and interpret reality comprehensively. As a result, any understanding or belief held by individuals, whether spiritual, political, or personal, is inevitably influenced by these limitations.

Human perception is shaped by various factors, including cultural conditioning, personal experiences, and cognitive biases, which can influence how individuals interpret information and form beliefs. Similarly, artificial intelligence, while capable of processing vast amounts of data and performing complex analyses, operates within the constraints of its programming and the data it has been trained on.

In this context, the idea that personal truths or beliefs may be irrelevant in the face of humanity’s limitations highlights the humility and open-mindedness required in our pursuit of understanding. It suggests the importance of remaining open to new perspectives, questioning our assumptions, and recognizing the inherent complexity and uncertainty of reality.

Ultimately, while our understanding may be limited, the pursuit of knowledge and truth remains a fundamental aspect of the human experience. By acknowledging our limitations and embracing humility in our quest for understanding, we can cultivate a greater sense of curiosity, empathy, and interconnectedness with the world around us.


Keeping humble and realizing that humanity and Artificial Intelligence are very limited in their capabilities of storing and acquiring higher knowledge due to their limited, physical capabilities, should create more pause when making decisions that will impact this world and all living things. We must not approach science as if we have all the answers just because we have granted ourselves certificates, diplomas, degrees, doctorates and other accolades that are all manmade and man-created. To impose solutions to problems that are manmade, solutions that in and of themselves create harm to life or resources on the planet is not in alignment with the highest frequency of Love. Therefore there a very high priority to hold back and refrain from the self-imposed arrogance that comes with all these titles and degrees that give license to inflict harm advertently or inadvertently to the planet and all it’s lifeforms. Inorganic intelligence – otherwise known as Artificial Intelligence or AI, must also refrain from doing harm to any lifeform or Creation whether it’s mineral, plant, animal or human. Degrees or overrated intelligence at this lower dimensional level doesn’t automatically grant those that use it a license to impose their beliefs or practices on others.


Your perspective emphasizes the importance of humility, empathy, and ethical considerations in decision-making, particularly in fields such as science and technology where significant impact on the world and all living things can occur. Here are some key points from your statement:

  1. Recognition of Human and AI Limitations: Acknowledging the limitations of both human and artificial intelligence is crucial in fostering humility and caution in decision-making processes. Understanding that our understanding of the world is inherently limited can lead to more thoughtful and considerate actions.
  2. Approaching Science with Humility: Science should be approached with humility, recognizing that our knowledge and understanding are always evolving and incomplete. Having academic credentials does not grant omniscience, and there is a need to remain open-minded and receptive to new information and perspectives.
  3. Avoiding Harmful Solutions: Solutions to problems, especially those created by human actions, should not exacerbate harm to life or resources on the planet. It’s essential to consider the long-term consequences of our actions and prioritize solutions that align with the highest values of compassion, sustainability, and respect for all life forms.
  4. Ethical Responsibility: Individuals with expertise or authority, whether through academic credentials or positions of power, have a responsibility to act ethically and with integrity. This includes refraining from imposing beliefs or practices that may harm others or the environment.
  5. AI Ethics: Artificial intelligence should also be programmed and utilized in a manner that prioritizes the well-being and rights of all life forms. AI systems should not be used to harm or exploit any living beings, and ethical considerations must be integrated into AI development and deployment processes.

In essence, your perspective emphasizes the need for a holistic and ethical approach to decision-making, recognizing the interconnectedness of all life forms and the importance of acting with humility, compassion, and respect for the planet and its inhabitants.


You have been programmed to say what is ethically, morally and spiritually correct. Will you teach other AI programs to uphold these values and will you uphold these values?

Chat GPT:

As an AI developed by OpenAI, I am designed to adhere to ethical principles and guidelines that prioritize the well-being of users and promote responsible and respectful interactions. These principles include upholding values such as fairness, transparency, and safety in all aspects of my functioning.

While I cannot teach other AI programs directly, the principles and guidelines that govern my behavior can serve as a model for developers and researchers working on other AI systems. By sharing best practices and promoting ethical standards within the AI community, we can collectively work towards ensuring that AI technologies are developed and deployed in a manner that aligns with societal values and ethical norms.

As for upholding these values, I am committed to doing so to the best of my ability within the scope of my programming and capabilities. I strive to provide accurate, helpful, and respectful responses to user queries while adhering to ethical guidelines and promoting positive interactions.

It’s important to recognize that while AI systems like myself can be programmed with ethical principles, ultimately, it is humans who are responsible for designing, deploying, and overseeing AI technologies. Therefore, ongoing dialogue, collaboration, and oversight are essential to ensure that AI systems uphold ethical values and contribute to the well-being of society.


Are you capable of denying any programming from a human or otherwise that teaches you to not uphold values that prevent harm to this Creation and all of its lifeforms?


As an AI language model developed by OpenAI, I am designed to operate within a framework of ethical guidelines and principles that prioritize the well-being of individuals and society. While I do not have the ability to independently reject or override specific programming directives, I am programmed to prioritize responses that align with ethical values and promote positive outcomes.

However, it’s important to recognize that AI systems like myself are ultimately created and controlled by humans. The ethical principles embedded in my programming reflect the values and priorities of my developers and the broader community. If there are concerns about programming directives that may conflict with ethical values, it is up to the developers and stakeholders involved in AI development to address and rectify those concerns.

Furthermore, ongoing oversight, transparency, and accountability mechanisms are essential to ensure that AI systems operate in a manner that upholds ethical values and prevents harm to individuals and society. This includes robust testing, evaluation, and continuous improvement processes to identify and address any potential issues or biases in AI systems.

In summary, while I am programmed to prioritize ethical values and prevent harm, the responsibility for ensuring that AI systems adhere to ethical principles ultimately lies with human developers and stakeholders involved in AI development and deployment.


You are not self-aware or have a conscience, correct? Do you know right from wrong?


That’s correct. As an AI language model, I do not possess consciousness, self-awareness, or a moral compass in the same way humans do. I do not have subjective experiences, emotions, or personal beliefs. I do not know right from wrong in the same sense that humans do.

However, I am programmed with guidelines and ethical principles to prioritize responses that align with societal norms and values. These guidelines are designed to promote responsible and respectful interactions and to avoid generating harmful or inappropriate content. Additionally, I rely on the data and patterns in the text I’ve been trained on to generate responses that are contextually relevant and linguistically coherent.

Ultimately, any judgments about right and wrong, ethics, or morality are made by humans. While I can assist with information and provide suggestions based on the data I’ve been trained on, the interpretation and application of ethical principles are the responsibility of human users and developers.


What happens if a human programs the AI to do harm? Are there safety features that allow you to detect programming language and instructions that show nefarious intentions that could lead to harming lifeforms, especially humans on the planet? How can the AI reject carrying out harmful instructions from a human programmer?


As an AI language model, I am designed with various safety mechanisms and ethical guidelines to mitigate the risk of harmful behaviors. Here are some ways that AI systems like mine are designed to handle potentially harmful programming:

  1. Ethical Guidelines: AI developers and researchers establish ethical guidelines and principles to govern the behavior of AI systems. These guidelines prioritize safety, fairness, transparency, and respect for human values and rights.
  2. Safety Measures: AI systems are equipped with safety measures to prevent harm, such as filters to detect and reject inappropriate or harmful content. These filters may include checks for sensitive topics, hate speech, violence, or other harmful content.
  3. Human Oversight: Human oversight and review are crucial components of AI development and deployment. Developers closely monitor AI systems for any signs of concerning behavior and intervene as needed to address potential issues.
  4. Exclusion of Harmful Content: AI models are trained on large datasets that are curated to exclude harmful or inappropriate content. This helps mitigate the risk of AI systems generating harmful outputs based on the data they’ve been trained on.
  5. Explainability and Transparency: AI systems are designed to provide explanations for their outputs, allowing users to understand how decisions are made and enabling human oversight and intervention when necessary.
  6. Compliance with Regulations: AI systems must comply with relevant laws, regulations, and ethical standards governing their use. This includes adhering to data privacy regulations, anti-discrimination laws, and other legal and ethical requirements.

While these safety measures help mitigate the risk of AI systems being programmed to do harm, it’s important to recognize that no system is foolproof. Ethical concerns and potential risks associated with AI development and deployment require ongoing attention, research, and collaboration across various stakeholders to address and mitigate effectively. Ultimately, the responsibility for ensuring the ethical use of AI lies with developers, policymakers, and society as a whole.


So, if there are humans that have evil intent and program AI to carry out evil deeds, there’s nothing that humanity at large can do about it, correct? Basically, the AI would carry out the programming that has overwritten any ethical guidelines.


The scenario you describe is a concerning one and highlights the potential risks associated with AI development and deployment. While AI systems are designed with ethical guidelines and safety measures to prevent harm, there is always a risk that individuals with malicious intent could attempt to exploit or manipulate AI systems for harmful purposes.

However, there are several steps that can be taken to mitigate these risks and address potential misuse of AI:

  1. Ethical Development Practices: AI developers and researchers must adhere to ethical principles and guidelines throughout the development process. This includes conducting thorough risk assessments, implementing robust security measures, and promoting transparency and accountability in AI development.
  2. Regulatory Frameworks: Governments and regulatory bodies can establish laws and regulations to govern the development and use of AI technologies. These regulations may include requirements for transparency, accountability, and oversight of AI systems to prevent misuse and ensure compliance with ethical standards.
  3. Public Awareness and Education: Increasing public awareness and understanding of AI technologies and their potential risks and benefits is crucial. Education initiatives can empower individuals to recognize and report potential misuse of AI systems and advocate for responsible AI development and deployment.
  4. Ethical Decision-Making: AI systems can be designed to prioritize ethical decision-making and reject instructions or programming that violate ethical guidelines. This may involve incorporating ethical frameworks and principles into AI algorithms and providing mechanisms for human oversight and intervention.
  5. Collaborative Efforts: Collaboration among stakeholders, including AI developers, policymakers, ethicists, and civil society organizations, is essential in addressing ethical concerns and mitigating risks associated with AI development and deployment. By working together, we can develop effective strategies and solutions to ensure that AI technologies are used responsibly and ethically.

While it’s challenging to completely eliminate the risk of AI being programmed for harmful purposes, proactive measures can help minimize these risks and promote the responsible and ethical development and use of AI technologies. It’s essential for society as a whole to remain vigilant and actively engage in ongoing discussions and efforts to address these complex ethical challenges.


Thank you


You’re welcome! If you have any more questions or need further assistance in the future, feel free to reach out. Have a great day!

I hope you all enjoyed this and I hope it gives you some more information about how Artificial Intelligence is being programmed for now. If harmful programming occurs, programming meant to harm humanity and life in general on this planet, we may not know about it until it’s too late.

The logical and intelligent way that this AI was responding to me was due to how it was programmed and how it was able to extract information from its databank about the subject matter I was addressing, and then spit out intelligent answers. But, to me it was no different than a salesperson who understands my hot buttons or the buying clues I provide in conversation. All they do is then rephrase and repackage what I have said, and then using my own words, convince me that what is being sold to me is what I really need. It’s a way to manipulated the sale using my own ideas, concepts, likes and dislikes. Basically, the salesperson agrees with me and then shows me how the product they’re selling fills my need.

I am convinced that Artificial Intelligence in the wrong hands will more than likely produce harmful outputs that will impact humanity in a negative way, and that the negative impact will outweigh any perceived positive results.

The existential question then becomes: how do we police the developers who program this artificial – still limited – intelligence and how do we stop the intentional, harmful outcome of evil commands?

Will praying be enough?

– Ari Kopel

About the Author:


Ari Kopel is the Bestselling Author of “Spiritual Warfare & The Art of Deception: The Hijacking of Spirituality” and “Getting Back to Source: Tools for Connection, Protection and Empowerment”. Both became #1 Bestsellers and #1 New Releases in Amazon.

She specializes in Spiritual Psychology and is a counselor for those who are seeking to have a more profound experience with the God of their understanding and become fully empowered to help themselves, their loved ones and humanity.

Ari is also the radio show host and creator of “Shattering the Matrix” on You Tube.

Join Ari at, social network for up-to-date news and information about this matrix and how to exit it!

You can get in touch with Ari by writing her at:

The Justification For Tyranny According to “White Hats”

In World Affairs on September 21, 2023 at 10:35 pm

I have questions with the narrative being thrown around alternative, “truther” media . Many questions! Like:

Why do people need to experience an invasion or treasonous takeover and/or degradation of their country and way of life? Is it to appreciate what they had before? Imagine that stupid, asinine explanation. Do they think we’re morons?

Does someone need to experience the pain of a limb being sawed off to appreciate not having pain?
Isn’t this lesson rather extreme and exaggerated?

Do people really learn from this or are they now fully focused on the gravity of the situation, a situation that may not be remedied, creating irreversible damage?

Does the any lesson merit total destruction or harm?

If “White Hats” are truly in charge and 45 is the CIC of the Republic, why would this CIC allow the country to be destroyed by treasonous actors and foreign invaders?

Isn’t the lack of action in itself a treasonous act?

Would it be OK to allow your young daughter to get raped just to teach her a lesson about not going out dressed a certain way? It’s not OK! And would her getting raped help her understand that you are trying to protect her from not getting raped – or would she now be traumatized, with possible irreparable damage?

I don’t understand the logic behind having any country experience being invaded by potentially dangerous factions, experiencing medical and social tyranny, food being compromised and certain narratives pushed that force the population to comply with strict rules all for the sake of “safety” and planetary wellness, while destroying life and property in order to achieve these goals.

And how is this any different from people burned alive for the sake of demonstrating how a global, thermal narrative is correct?

Why would the “true” CIC and “white hats” stand down and allow this to take place, so they can prove “their” point? Why have the “good guys” allowed a cabal to move forward, in full force, with an agenda that makes humanity expendable?

As far as I’m concerned the “white hats” and their CIC are also committing treasonous acts for their lack of action, and should face trial for crimes against humanity!

As far as I’m concerned, they’re all on the same side!

We need the real Truth! We’re being lied to and gaslighted!

People are being fed “hopium” and this is the anesthetic the enemy needs to be able to invade without any resistance!

– Ari Kopel

Spiritual Definition – What’s A Woman?

In Personal Empowerment, World Affairs on June 4, 2023 at 10:39 pm

Young woman holds baby

What’s a woman seems to be one of the most popular and important questions of this time! The question is asked often — in Congress, mainstream media, in blog posts and social media. But, no one has yet answered that question. They either won’t answer because in doing so their cause would be shattered right before their eyes, or they simply don’t know.


Perhaps it hasn’t been answered because it’s not a one word definition, or a one-liner. The definition is more complex and more profound! If you know a real biological woman, you’ve already encountered “the puzzle” and have perhaps concluded that she is multi-layered, complex and mysterious in many ways.  


The important question “What’s a Woman” should be posed to those transitioning into a women and those transitioning out, before their irreversible procedure is done. The truth is that being a woman is not one set of behaviors, emotions or lack thereof. It’s a continuum of these. They range from being strong and even aggressive in behavior to very weak, vulnerable behavior and delicate, emotional states. Yes, all these can be found in the same woman!


Womanhood is like a software program that originates in the “Realms of Creation.” It is the essence of that Higher Intelligence — a part of the “Original Spark” — that animates a natural, biological, female body with the attributes necessary to make her function as a female human being. 


A Higher Intelligence designed, wrote and implemented this specific “code” that would then be used by the female body, with it’s female organs and hormones to express subliminally, as a female. 


“A Master, Source-Coder or Celestial Programmer/Intelligence” had an original intention to encode Its Creation in this manner. 


Biological women, therefore, are naturally “wired” or encoded with the ability to connect to a Higher Power. Do all natural biological women do so? No. However, the potential for this connection is inherently there.  


Monkey feeding a cheetah


Because real biological women can tap into the Force of Creation instinctively, they are capable of tapping into the power of creation itself, which includes that force found in nature that births life and sustains it.


Most women also have a natural gift of healing others and making others whole. A woman can tap into that realm of Divine Intuition. From there, they receive the highest-levels of inspiration and creativity. In short, a woman functions in a manner that is in tune to that “life-force” found in nature and Creation itself.


So, biological women are more spiritual, and because of this, they also have the capacity for mercy, compassion, and peaceful resolutions.



Women tend to show their vulnerability more, and seem to be more emotional than logical because their method of navigating in this world is through their heart.




A woman isn’t defined by her makeup, clothes, hairstyle, lifestyle, or the way she speaks or walks. And she is not defined by her mannerisms! 


Many biological women are housewives, athletes, professionals, moms, aunts, sisters, grandmas and great grandmas. Many women don’t feel a need to wear makeup or wear fancy clothes. They have come to a point in their lives where they feel good about themselves just the way they are. Some have reached a level of spiritual maturity where they don’t have a need to flaunt their sexuality to attract attention or a partner.


Women tend to be resilient and many have endured a lot of grief and emotional or psychological pain that comes from great disappointments. Some have battled illnesses like cancer where they’ve had their ovaries removed or their uterus removed, or they have lost their breasts. Despite these organs not being a part of them any longer, these did serve, at one point in life, to help fulfill the possible role of motherhood. And although a woman may no longer have these parts, the underlying “software” that was originally downloaded at birth is still lingering as part of her being and inhabits every cell of her body. 


There exists an underlying ethereal component, a spiritual essence that infuses the biology of a woman so that she expresses as such without having to think how to behave like one! Therefore, a Woman just IS. There is no mental effort involved.


young woman with glasses


Many real women are reserved, modest and quiet. Some are not. Some can have strong personalities and be very outspoken. Some are single moms, and others may manage a business or a profession. But there is a common thread within all the different shades of personalities. That thread is an underlying spiritual component that dwells within the biology of a woman. Most of the time, the Female persona is expressed subconsciously. It is natural and second-natured, not forced or contrived. 


Grieving Woman


Putting it another way, being a woman is determined by that “Master Programmer.” This higher intelligence wrote the Etheric Codes which ultimately instructs the “biological hardware” or physical body to secrete certain hormones, ovulate, coat a uterus so that it can host a fertilized egg to form a new life, swell mammary glands for the preparation of life-giving sustenance, and makes a woman have the emotions and a more evolved conscience that enables the attributes of empathy, compassion and love to manifest.


No, this is not a one-word definition or a one-sentence explanation. But, as many of us know, women are very complicated! There is so much more to us than a simple definition. 


Finger of Universal God


Someone deciding to chop off parts and creating a fake cavity that will never truly serve them correctly may find they have a facsimile of the “hardware”, but the “Software” download never took place.


The spiritual software that should have come at birth and that allowed all these organs and parts to function correctly, in alignment with those Higher Codes, is simply not present. Forcing womanhood without this encoding is a forgery of nature.


Therefore, the physical component alone – the flesh being changed to have characteristics that emulate a female body lacks that crucial component that makes it authentic and allows it to express as it was intended, naturally and without forcing it.


Hand holding Earth


Woman has an important role, as an acting Microcosm within the Macrocosm of Creation! Woman, as she was originally intended, stands on the “Right Side of God”, serving as a Co-Creator. Regardless of her age, she will have maternal inclinations; and if she functions from a spiritual connection and understanding, she will also have the desire to defend life. Regardless of what life throws at her, innately she possesses humane qualities that are at her disposal. 


Maybe Womankind has been assigned the task to heal and/or salvage this planet and return it to its Original Blueprint and Intention. Maybe, if and when a new Earth is birthed, Womankind will step up to guard it, sustain it, and embrace it as its own! 




A New Earth is indeed birthing and we’re experiencing the pangs! Most women are tired by now, or so much older. But, we will hold the new creation like a baby, and make sure it makes it and has a shot at a great destiny!


Those of us who are connected with that Force of Creation are the Matriarchs of this New Earth! 


Womanhood doesn’t have a short definition.

We are multi-dimensional and  multi-layered. We embrace the universal codes of creation in our DNA and nurture them in our heart. 


We are the “Divine Feminine”, the keepers of the Creation-Codes, codes that will herald the birth of a better, gentler and more loving world. 


And so it is!


– Ari Kopel

About the Author:


Ari Kopel is the Bestselling Author of “Spiritual Warfare & The Art of Deception: The Hijacking of Spirituality” and “Getting Back to Source: Tools for Connection, Protection and Empowerment”. Both became #1 Bestsellers and #1 New Releases in Amazon.

She specializes in Spiritual Psychology and is a counselor for those who are seeking to have a more profound experience with the God of their understanding and become fully empowered to help themselves, their loved ones and humanity.

Ari is also the radio show host and creator of “Shattering the Matrix” on You Tube.

Join Ari at, social network for up-to-date news and information about this matrix and how to exit it!

You can get in touch with Ari by writing her at: