Ari Kopel

Archive for February, 2020|Monthly archive page

Healing and Protection Against Evil, Illnesses and Pandemics

In Uncategorized on February 15, 2020 at 9:34 pm

Please begin listening to this High Frequency music, as you read and/or listen to the videos.



It seems it’s time to take off our spiritual “training wheels” and put what we’ve learned thus far, either from Earth-U or from our experiences from other realms, to good use.

We know the concepts. We’ve embraced them. But, are we using them? Are we successful when using them?

One thing is clear. We may intellectualize these concepts all day long, have the knowledge resonate within our being, yet if we have one atom of doubt, none of the principles for manifesting and/or healing will work. It requires putting the mind aside, opening up to Higher Intelligence and allowing the flow of infinite-potential to fill-in the empty canvas that we become. We, at that point, are not the artist. The Grand Originator/Creator is!

So here are some steps that will help us acquire the demeanor that we must have in order to “Plug Into” the Source of All Manifestations and All Healing, and in order to start the process of protection and healing:

  1. Stay positive. This means that we focus on the joy of the outcome, rather than the worry about the current, negative situation.
  2. Have no attachment to the outcome. You stay neutral. You don’t put energy on the have-to of the result you want.
  3. Know with Certainty. You Know that the situation is taken care of. It is out of your hands and in the “hands” of the Originator/Creator with all ITs perfection and creation-capabilities to correct and tweak one of ITs masterpieces — YOU!
  4. Visualize the Creative process. In your mind, imagine what it must be like to observe this manifestation and/or healing taking place, and how the Original Designer/Architect/Creator would patch, repair, replace, redesign the “Masterpiece”, re-attaching links, re-writing light codes, changing up frequencies…
  5. Participate. Allow this process to take place, again leaving the mind out of it. Just watch it with your inner vision, feel it, start getting excited and joyful, because the Creation-Process NEVER fails. Manifestations and Healing from this level NEVER FAIL!

Once your mind is out of the way and you’re in that place of allowing and surrender, you can bask in higher-frequency music that allows your cells to dance in joy so that they too go to similar steps as 1-5 above, as they too are intelligent and replicas of Creator in a “microcosm” expression.

Using the principles of Cymatics, where high-frequency sound creates magnificent, complex, sacred-geometric forms in this physical realm, and where low-frequency sound creates chaotic shapes, we begin assisting the healing process using the high-frequency sounds to help our body come into alignment with the Higher-Frequency Sound of Creation. 

Below is an example of sound creating a beautiful, sacred-geometry shape. 


Below is a talk given by a music professor, Anthony Holland, who has delved into the field of healing cancer using sound. Please note that TedTalk has since flagged this video. I suggest you download it to keep it for yourself, before it is perhaps removed from the internet.

From You Tube:

Anthony Holland: Associate Professor, Director of Music Technology, Skidmore College. DMA, MM, MM, BM; President: Novobiotronics Inc. [a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable and educational company]. Discovered the ability of Oscillating Pulsed Electric Fields (OPEF) to destroy cancer cells and MRSA in laboratory experiments. Expert in custom digital electronic signal design, synthesis and analysis for biological effects. Member: Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS), European Bioelectromagnetics Association (EBEA). Postdoctoral work: Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) Stanford University. Advanced Digital Synthesis and Analysis studies with: Max Mathews (the ‘ Father of Computer Music’), John Chowning (founding Director of CCRMA, Electronic Composer and Inventor (famed FM Synthesis Patent); Jean-Claude Risset (Electronic Composer and founding Director of the Digital Synthesis Division of the internationally renowned IRCAM center, Paris, France); John Pierce: former Director of Sound Division: Bell Laboratories.





Supplements and Natural Products


Other protocols to help prevent and/or heal illnesses and viral/bacterial infections include and are not limited to natural products that are used to help boost our immune system.

Manuka Honey 16+ certified

Bee Propolis

Colloidal Silver500 parts per million

Oregano oil

Olive Leaf extracts

Vitamin C – in high doses

Vitamin D3 – 10,000 mg





The Kodoish Mantra


The best protocol that always keeps me shielded and protected is the Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth mantra.

What is it?

Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth  means Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts!

It’s the salutation used in the celestial realms and with those who are ultra-celestial beings that are on board the ships of light (Merkabah Ships). 

When I utter it, it’s mostly in a whisper, in reverence to Prime Creator. Sometimes, I think it and other times I’ll say it out loud, as an affirmation.

I’ll say it while I’m going about my day, or driving… I’ll say the Kodoish mantra right before sleep. I’ll repeat it over and over again, until I finally fall asleep, so that it protects me from Astral, Psychic and other Entity attacks and interventions from discarnates and negative aliens.

I also use it when working in the inner planes, as it’s already on my lips and inner awareness. Many times, I have had entities approach me, while I’m in the astral realm, and look at me as I am falling asleep. I am fully aware of them, even though my body is in sleep-mode. I say, “Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth”. I utter it three times, and they MUST respond back. If they don’t, I know they aren’t in alignment with The Light frequency of Prime Creator, and they immediately leave, as they don’t function from that frequency.


From “Getting Back to Source: Tools for Connection, Protection & Empowerment” by Ari Kopel,  pg 115


“The Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth is the most powerful, High-Vibrational phrase to utter. Speaking it, singing it, whispering it and thinking it creates a super-powerful, “hyper-vortex” to The Higher-Vibrational Worlds, and Oneness with Source-Creator. It places a Force Field or Energetic Shield of Protection around you. It raises your vibration to meet the Vibration of Prime Creator.

This phrase, when spoken continuously, out loud or under your breath, replaces your thoughts, and your emotions. It impacts your behavior to match that which is in alignment with what is Holy, which is of the Higher-Vibrational Realms. No “thing” situation, thought or deed that is not resonating with this Vibration can come near you or come out of you. The Kodoish Mantra is a doorway to The Illumined Worlds, allowing you to step into the “inner Chamber” or The Bosom of God.

All Higher, Spiritual Intelligence in all Creations and Multiverses sing this Mantra. It is the salutation used in the Higher-Vibrational Worlds by all those Beings of Light that serve Prime Creator. It is sung by all Life that is in tune with the Sound Current and the Vibration of Divine Love from Supreme Creator. It is recognized as being that which is woven into the fabric of the cosmic tapestry of all that expresses in Creation.”


From “Getting Back to Source: Tools for Connection, Protection & Empowerment” by Ari Kopel, pg 146


“Again, those that reside in the low-frequencies and are a part of the Negative-Polarity cannot be in the same space as High-Vibrational frequencies. By singing or saying the Kodoish Mantra, you will create a Vortex to the Illumined Worlds, and the entities will have to leave because they are uncomfortable or will have to succumb to The Light. More than likely, they will leave.”

Also, any bacteria, virus, illness, weapon, chemtrail, toxins can’t exist alongside this High-Vibrational Mantra, because these are of lower vibration, and emanate from lower-thought-forms.

For those interested in knowing how to pronounce the Kodoish Mantra, I have recorded it for you.

It is pronounced:

Koh-Doh-Eesh, Koh-Doh-Eesh, Koh-Doh-Eesh, Ah-Doh-Nah-Eee, Tseh-Bah-Yoth

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts!



The Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic


Listen to these words of the Lord’s prayer spoken in the language that Yeshua spoke. When you listen to these words, in Aramaic, the vibration is so high, you can feel it in your body… A good idea would be to try to memorize these words for yourself. Even when I speak them now, it makes my entire body tingle!


And now, put it all together


Start with quieting your mind. Opening up and becoming an empty vessel, a blank canvas, and become filled with that Divine Essence that comes directly from The Originator/Source-Creator.

Follow the steps 1 – 5 at the top of the page.

Take all the supplements and natural products that will enhance your health by boosting your immune system — that system that was intelligently designed to protect your body-temple.

Do your Kodoish Mantra over and over again so that it replaces your thoughts and your emotions, and so that it steers your actions to do the right thing, that which is in alignment with Higher Intelligence.

Play High Frequency music, as High-Frequency sound is the tool used for Creation. Play it at home, in your car, while sleeping, while exercising or walking… And definitely play it while praying and/or meditating.

When you put all of these pieces together, along with the layers of protection discussed in “Getting Back to Source: Tools for Connection, Protection & Empowerment” by Ari Kopel, chapter 12 starting on pg 164, not one hair on your head will be moved out of place, regardless what situations you may be facing in the future.

In short, there are NO pandemics, Wars, New World Orders, Big Brothers, 5Gs +, Chemtrails, Asteroids, Planet Xs, Alien Invasions, Socialist/Communist Agendas, Social-Engineering, Luciferian Agendas, Taboo-Acceptance-Agendas, Vaccines, Microchip-Implants, Climate or Earth Changes, or Radical Ideologies that will ever — EVER — be successful in “sticking” and/or inflicting harm to those of us who individually and collectively take the time to step into the Higher Frequencies.  When we, as members of humanity, make the conscious choice to surrender to That Creator-Force at Point Zero,  not one cell of our our body-temple will be harmed.

Let today be the defining moment of whether we live in fear of a potentially bleak future, or embrace the Tools that have been shared here. Let today be the day that we’re empowered to take the corrective measures necessary to change our Now and our Future. Let the tools shared here stir in us that Knowing of Invincibility, and let this Knowing ignite the dormant flame within us, that flame that blasts the Light of a Million Suns into all that is dark and still in shadows.

With this new “canvas” let us express our Full, Divine-Potential, and let us co-create a New Reality, a New World,  and a New Era — one that is free from the threats caused by those harboring lower thought-forms and lower frequencies, and whom have yet to meet the Wrath and Force of our Collective, God-Given-Power!

This moment, we begin using these tools for immediate protection and healing.

We begin to acknowledge the Truth of who we are TODAY!

We begin to unleash our Divine Gifts, Absolute Authority and Power right NOW!

We are unequivocally protected and shielded from ALL harm!

And WE declare, Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth, now and for all Eternity!

And so it is!

-Ari Kopel

About the Author:

NoseRing2Ari Kopel is the Bestselling Author of “Spiritual Warfare & The Art of Deception: The Hijacking of Spirituality” and “Getting Back to Source: Tools for Connection, Protection and Empowerment”. Both became #1 Bestsellers and #1 New Releases in Amazon.

She specializes in Spiritual Psychology and is a counselor for those who are seeking to have a more profound experience with the God of their understanding and become fully empowered to help themselves, their loved ones and humanity.

Ari is also the founder of and the radio show host and creator of “Shattering the Matrix” on BlogTalkRadio.

You can get in touch with Ari by writing her at:



Extracting Useful Information, and Recognizing Divine Intervention

In Uncategorized on February 13, 2020 at 7:36 pm

The only way not to know we’re living in challenging, and strange times is to have our head buried in the sand, or being buried 6 feet under and no longer a part of this world.

We can’t escape mainstream media and/or alternative news venues who all have undisclosed special sources or they know someone who knows someone who has the Intel. And this makes their information credible — until it never comes to fruition —making us doubt their next “Breaking News” piece.

Whether these sources are disinformation specialists or not is really irrelevant. If they are providing truth about bad things or are providing lies making us think things are worse than they are puts us in fear-mode. If disinformation is being disseminated, then we are in a dire predicament, because many are making decisions based on manipulation and false narratives.

Who do we believe? What do we do? Should we be in panic mode and run for the hills?

I’m sure many have done so already. In truth, the picture presented based on the news hitting us from all social media and other sources is pretty grim.

In reality, we’re being worn out on purpose so that we become desensitized to information, regardless of whether it’s fabricated or real. It’s the Cry-Wolf-Syndrome!

So, let’s approach this intelligently, shall we? No need to panic. Let’s keep a level head and start following a plan of action:


1) Gather all information and pay attention to what is useful and discard what isn’t, just like a squirrel gathers the acorns and eats what’s good and discards what isn’t.

2) Don’t get desensitized. Contemplate all new information. You never know where truth is hidden.

3) Always look at new information objectively, doing further research and using Discernment. There are patterns to look for with disinformation. Learn how to detect these, so that you don’t spend too much time reading and listening to deceptive information. “Spiritual Warfare and The Art of Deception” talks about how to detect deception and who are more vulnerable to fall for it.

4) Don’t spend too much time with each source of information. Learn to quickly extract the pieces of the puzzle you were missing, without investing the time and energy reading or listening to every word. Most of the information is repetitive, and most of it you already know. Extract what you need to give you further clarity and move on!

4) Act accordingly, with great resolve, guided by Higher Wisdom. There is no reason to be caught by surprise or unprepared, as Higher Intelligence always sends Emissaries, who work behind the scenes to help, or Higher Intelligence may provide Divine Inspiration to alert you and guide you, giving you plenty of opportunity to be safe and well.


“The Drowning Man” story is a great example of what we expect Divine Intervention to look like and how it’s really delivered to us. Divine help doesn’t always look like an Angel with a sword stepping in and bailing you out of a situation…


Many times we miss out on opportunities and blessings because we don’t recognize something simple or mundane as being used as a tool from God/Creator.

I have often told the story of when I had recently divorced, I found myself trying to survive financially. I had 3 young children and no money to pay the light bill, let alone buy a gallon of milk. I felt I was a loser and couldn’t take care of them. Of course, this was by design, as my Ex wanted to inflict pain and prove I was an unfit mother.

I literally had no money and the lights were about to be caught off. We were down to very little food in the fridge. I was at the “brink” of despair, but wouldn’t cave into it. I still had faith that somehow a miracle would manifest…

And the miracle came in the form of a German Shepherd named Zoe — although I didn’t know her name at the time. She showed up on my front lawn, lost, confused, thirsty and hungry. Even though I didn’t know if she was gentle or vicious, rabid or infected with other illness, I took her in and gave her water.

I knew I couldn’t keep her. I had no extra food to give her and my children were too young to trust a dog like that around them. So, I took her to the first Humane Society Shelter near me.

I asked them to please not euthanize her. I explained how she showed up at my house and she seemed gentle. They took down my information; and while I waited, I saw a poster of her on the bulletin board with her name and picture and in big black letters written with a black sharpie: “Two Hundred Dollars Reward!”

I called the number immediately and spoke with the owner and explained the whole ordeal. He promised to be at the shelter and pay me the two hundred dollars reward-money.

When he arrived, he shook my hand and was very grateful I had taken care of Zoe. He reached in his pocket and gave me two-hundred dollars! Before I left, I gave Zoe a big hug and whispered in her ear, “Thank you…”

I went right to the Florida Power and Light and paid my light bill, and used what was left over to buy my children milk and food.

So, was Zoe a coincidence, or was it Higher Intelligence/Source or those Emissaries of Light who are in alignment with this Higher Power who sent me a fury, four-legged-angel to intervene?

I know that my prayers were answered, especially because I still had hope that something would happen to turn my negative situation around! I could have easily gone into a severe depression and my children would have suffered even more. Had I taken that course, I wouldn’t be who I am today and have the conviction, due to life-experiences, to help guide those who haven’t understood or lived by the principle of Knowing — or what others know as Faith!



flood_house_5C (1)


The Story of “The Drowning Man”


A fellow was stuck on his rooftop in a flood. He was praying to God for help.

Soon a man in a rowboat came by and the fellow shouted to the man on the roof, “Jump in, I can save you.”

The stranded fellow shouted back, “No, it’s OK, I’m praying to God and he is going to save me.”

So the rowboat went on.

Then a motorboat came by. “The fellow in the motorboat shouted, “Jump in, I can save you.”

To this the stranded man said, “No thanks, I’m praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith.”

So the motorboat went on.

Then a helicopter came by and the pilot shouted down, “Grab this rope and I will lift you to safety.”

To this the stranded man again replied, “No thanks, I’m praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith.”

So the helicopter reluctantly flew away.

Soon the water rose above the rooftop and the man drowned. He went to Heaven. He finally got his chance to discuss this whole situation with God, at which point he exclaimed, “I had faith in you but you didn’t save me, you let me drown. I don’t understand why!”

To this God replied, “I sent you a rowboat and a motorboat and a helicopter, what more did you expect?”





I suppose that most of us expect Moses to part the Red Sea for us, or Archangel Michael to come in with His Legions of Angels and remove our enemies or change a situation…


Miracles are sometimes more subtle and call no attention to themselves!


So, my message is:

Be open to receive Divine Communication and Signs. These may come in the form of an email or Face Book post and maybe even a furry-four-legged. Maybe the answers to your prayers are not delivered by a radiant-looking angel with a harp; but, just because trumpets aren’t heralding the miracles, signs or answers doesn’t mean these are not being delivered to you…

A headline doesn’t sum-up all of the information. Take the time to open the post, article, You Tube video, etc., and extract all the information that you deem important to you.

Unfortunately, our society has made us a bit lazy with instant-gratifiers like Instagram, memes and sound bites, to name a few.  In order to acquire knowledge, we must dig through many layers of information, which includes reading, listening to audio or video and via personal experience. If the material and/or subject matter is new to us, it is wise then to invest time getting familiar with the topic. If we already know most of this material, then the goal is to skim through what we know, cutting to the chase, and pulling out only what we don’t know.

Then, we put this new information to scrutiny, which includes our own research and Discernment.

Let’s be wise enough to know how “evil-doers” work in manipulating information, spinning stories and creating narrative that seems like truth but is deception.

If we’re in tune with our Creator, via prayer and/or mediation and contemplation, we should be able to recognize IT’s Voice — or energy signature/frequency. We will no longer have to second-guess ourselves or hesitate to “jump on a boat” because we thought the “rescue” would look different…or be supernatural.

God does work in mysterious ways, after all…

So, let’s not be fools.

Help yourselves by knowing everything you can about current events and “behind-the-scenes-events, so that you’re 10 steps ahead of the game.

Then, trust God with all your heart and soul… Don’t doubt for a second that any of us are left alone to fend for ourselves.

A lifeboat will always be there, waiting patiently to be found, to take you to distant and safer shores!

-Ari Kopel

About the Author:

NoseRing2Ari Kopel is the Bestselling Author of “Spiritual Warfare & The Art of Deception: The Hijacking of Spirituality” and “Getting Back to Source: Tools for Connection, Protection and Empowerment”. Both became #1 Bestsellers and #1 New Releases in Amazon.

She specializes in Spiritual Psychology and is a counselor for those who are seeking to have a more profound experience with the God of their understanding and become fully empowered to help themselves, their loved ones and humanity.

Ari is also the founder of and the radio show host and creator of “Shattering the Matrix” on BlogTalkRadio.

You can get in touch with Ari by writing her at:


Doing Our Part in Getting Ready, and Recognizing Divine Intervention

In Uncategorized on February 13, 2020 at 1:04 am

The only way not to know we’re living in challenging, and strange times is to have our head buried in the sand, or being buried 6 feet under and no longer a part of this world.

We can’t escape mainstream media and/or alternative news venues who all have undisclosed special sources or they know someone who knows someone who has the Intel. And this makes their information credible — until it never comes to fruition —making us doubt their next “Breaking News” piece.

Whether these sources are disinformation specialists or not is really irrelevant. If they are providing truth about bad things or a providing lies making us think things are worse than they are puts us in fear-mode. If disinformation is being disseminated, then we are in a dire predicament, because many are making decisions based on manipulation and false narratives.

Who do we believe? What do we do? Should we be in panic mode and run for the hills?

I’m sure many have done so already. In truth, the picture presented based on the news hitting us from all social media and other sources is pretty grim.

In reality, we’re being worn out on purpose so that we become desensitized to information, regardless of whether it’s fabricated or real. It’s the Cry-Wolf-Syndrome!

So, let’s approach this intelligently, shall we? No need to panic. Let’s keep a level head and start following a plan of action:


1) Gather all information and pay attention to what is useful and discard what isn’t, just like a squirrel gathers the acorns and eats what’s good and discards what isn’t.

2) Don’t get desensitized. Contemplate all new information. You never know where truth is hidden.

3) Always look at new information objectively, doing further research and using Discernment. There are patterns to look for with disinformation. Learn how to detect these, so that you don’t spend too much time reading and listening to deceptive information. “Spiritual Warfare and The Art of Deception” talks about how to detect deception and who are more vulnerable to fall for it.

4) Don’t spend too much time with each source of information. Learn to quickly extract the pieces of the puzzle you were missing, without investing the time and energy reading or listening to every word. Most of the information is repetitive, and most of you already know this. Extract what you need to give you further clarity and move on!

4) Act accordingly, with great resolve, guided by Higher Wisdom. There is no reason to be caught by surprise or unprepared, as Higher Intelligence always sends Emissaries, who work behind the scenes to help, or Higher Intelligence may provide Divine Inspiration to alert you and guide you, giving you plenty of opportunity to be safe and well.


“The Drowning Man” story is a great example of what we expect Divine Intervention to look like and how it’s really delivered to us. Divine help doesn’t always look like an Angel with a sword stepping in and bailing you out of a situation…


Many times we miss out on opportunities and blessings because we don’t recognize something simple or mundane as being used as a tool from God/Creator.

I have often told the story of when I had recently divorced, I found myself trying to survive financially. I had 3 young children and no money to pay the light bill, let alone buy a gallon of milk. I felt I was a loser and couldn’t take care of them. Of course, this was by design, as my Ex wanted to inflict pain and prove I was an unfit mother.

I literally had no money and the lights were about to be caught off. We were down to very little food in the fridge. I was at the “brink” of despair, but wouldn’t cave into it. I still had faith that somehow a miracle would manifest…

And the miracle came in the form of a German Shepherd named Zoe — although I didn’t know her name at the time. She showed up on my front lawn, lost, confused, thirsty and hungry. Even though I didn’t know if she was gentle or vicious, rabid or infected with other illness, I took her in and gave her water.

I knew I couldn’t keep her. I had no extra food to give her and my children were too young to trust a dog like that around them. So, I took her to the first Humane Society Shelter near me.

I asked them to please not euthanize her. I explained how she showed up at my house and she seemed gentle. They took down my information; and while I waited, I saw a poster of her on the bulletin board with her name and picture and in big black letters written with a black sharpie: “Two Hundred Dollars Reward!”

I called the number immediately and spoke with the owner and explained the whole ordeal. He promised to be at the shelter and pay me the two hundred dollars reward-money.

When he arrived, he shook my hand and was very grateful I had taken care of Zoe. He reached in his pocket and gave me two-hundred dollars! Before I left, I gave Zoe a big hug and whispered in her ear, “Thank you…”

I went right to the Florida Power and Light and paid my phone bill, and used what was left over to buy my children milk and food.

So, was Zoe a coincidence, or was it Higher Intelligence/Source or those Emissaries of Light who are in alignment with this Higher Power who sent me a fury, four-legged-angel to intervene?

I know that my prayers were answered, especially because I still had hope that something would happen to turn my negative situation around! I could have easily gone into a severe depression and my children would have suffered even more. Had I taken that course, I wouldn’t be who I am today and have the conviction, due to life-experiences, to help guide those who haven’t understood or lived by the principle of Knowing — or what others know as Faith!



flood_house_5C (1)


The Drowning Man


A fellow was stuck on his rooftop in a flood. He was praying to God for help.

Soon a man in a rowboat came by and the fellow shouted to the man on the roof, “Jump in, I can save you.”

The stranded fellow shouted back, “No, it’s OK, I’m praying to God and he is going to save me.”

So the rowboat went on.

Then a motorboat came by. “The fellow in the motorboat shouted, “Jump in, I can save you.”

To this the stranded man said, “No thanks, I’m praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith.”

So the motorboat went on.

Then a helicopter came by and the pilot shouted down, “Grab this rope and I will lift you to safety.”

To this the stranded man again replied, “No thanks, I’m praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith.”

So the helicopter reluctantly flew away.

Soon the water rose above the rooftop and the man drowned. He went to Heaven. He finally got his chance to discuss this whole situation with God, at which point he exclaimed, “I had faith in you but you didn’t save me, you let me drown. I don’t understand why!”

To this God replied, “I sent you a rowboat and a motorboat and a helicopter, what more did you expect?”





I suppose that most of us expect Moses to part the Red Sea for us, or Archangel Michael to come in with this Legions of Angels and remove our enemies or change a situation…


Miracles are sometimes more subtle and call no attention to themselves!


So, my message is:

Be open to receive Divine Communication and Signs. These may come in the form of an email or Face Book post and maybe even a furry-four-legged. Maybe the answers to your prayers are not delivered by a radiant-looking angel with a harp; but, just because trumpets aren’t heralding the miracles, signs or answers doesn’t mean these are not being delivered to you…

A headline doesn’t sum-up all of the information. Take the time to open the post, article, You Tube video. etc., and extract all the information that you deem important to you.

Unfortunately, our society has made us a bit lazy with instant-gratifiers like Instagram, memes and sound bites, to name a few.  In order to acquire knowledge, we must dig through many layers of information, which includes reading, listening to audio or video and via personal experience.

Be wise enough to know how “evil-doers” work in manipulating information, spinning stories and creating narrative that seems like truth but is deception.

If we’re in tune with our Creator, via prayer and/or mediation and contemplation, we should be able to recognize IT’s Voice — or energy signature/frequency. We will no longer have to second-guess ourselves or hesitate to “jump on a boat” because we thought the “rescue” would look different…or be supernatural.

God does work in mysterious ways, after all…

So, let’s not be fools.

Help yourselves by knowing everything you can about current events and “behind-the-scenes-events, so that you’re 10 steps ahead of the game.

Then, trust God with all your heart and soul… Don’t doubt for a second that any of us are left alone to fend for ourselves.

A lifeboat will always be there, waiting patiently to be found, to take you to distant and safer shores!

-Ari Kopel

About the Author:

NoseRing2Ari Kopel is the Bestselling Author of “Spiritual Warfare & The Art of Deception: The Hijacking of Spirituality” and “Getting Back to Source: Tools for Connection, Protection and Empowerment”. Both became #1 Bestsellers and #1 New Releases in Amazon.

She specializes in Spiritual Psychology and is a counselor for those who are seeking to have a more profound experience with the God of their understanding and become fully empowered to help themselves, their loved ones and humanity.

Ari is also the founder of and the radio show host and creator of “Shattering the Matrix” on BlogTalkRadio.

You can get in touch with Ari by writing her at: