Ari Kopel

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What to Expect in 2016?

In Uncategorized on December 31, 2015 at 4:13 pm

This year has been interesting and a challenge for many of us. Some of us have experienced wonderful things. Yet many have mostly known disappointment – again – and have had their fair share of challenging circumstances. We’ve also witnessed further deterioration of what is known as civilization, an escalation of what is ugly, and the worst in humanity.

Some of us embrace the negative experiences and use these to make different choices that lead us to greater understandings. Other times, there are no choices, yet we sometimes bounce back with greater resolve and power. Or, we stay where we are – trapped in our own world of demise that is usually fabricated in our minds due to poor choices or the outer circumstances that find us due to those choices.

And then there is the myriad of other possibilities of why this year that leaves us today hasn’t turned out favorable for many of us. And yes, we can blame everything and everyone for it… And we probably will.


And tomorrow, when we get to write a check using 2016, things won’t change for the better, unless we do. We need to take responsibility for our actions or lack thereof. We begin by exercising our right to connect with the God of our understanding to infuse us with Divine Wisdom, Divine Grace, Divine Intercession and Divine Providence. We then stop trying to understand with our intellect and begin to allow for the experience and communion with Source-Creator. When we let go of feeling sorry for ourselves and put away our anger and replace it with the desire to be filled with that Divine Love that has no words or comprehension, then maybe we’ll realize that the power to change our lives was in us all along, by first truly desiring it and then connecting with that Power that has created Multiverses.

We can’t do that if we’re cursing that Power!

It does sound simpler that it is…  But to initiate the process is having the “simple” desire to do so…

This New Year 2016 comes with its own challenges, probably worse in scale than what we’ve witnessed thus far. And if we’re not consciously making preparations to keep ourselves in a place of inner peace, many of us will lose all we’ve gained on our spiritual path because most of our spiritual attainment has been in acquiring “knowledge”.

So, much of our journey has been “intellectualized” and not “experienced”. And when we don’t have our experiences with those Divine Realms, it is hard to fathom that these realms exist, when what we experience before us is a hell world. There is nothing to anchor us to a Higher Place, a safer place, a place where we are protected or that can intervene on our behalf. There is nothing in our own mundane experiences that will allow us to focus our attention to something that is Beyond this limited 3D experience!

So, this New Year, I wish you all the desire to Re-Connect with the God of your understanding, and allow that experience to unfold for you. I wish for you to enter this Sacred Space with Awe and Humility and that all your needs are filled beyond your wildest dreams.

May the peace that is granted to you – by this Communion – be that peace that goes beyond all human understanding. May you experience Exaltation – that Joy that is experienced when this connection is made, and may you partake of that Divine Love that is beyond mortal comprehension.

May this New Year be that year of transformation for all of us. And may we continue to conduct ourselves with love and honoring of one another.


With all my love and blessings – Always,


Ari Kopel

My Profound Experience At A Church, of All Places…

In Uncategorized on December 24, 2015 at 6:20 pm

Below is an article I posted here two years ago and I thought it would be appropriate to post again since today is Christmas Eve. I hadn’t celebrated Christmas in the traditional way for a long time and most of that was due to opening up my mind to INFORMATION, and as a consequence, I had closed up my heart to the Possibilities that Universal Mind and Heart had for me – those possibilities that were ALWAYS there when I was a little child, because I was open and in Awe!

So, because I chose to take in the information that was presented to me in all different venues like the internet, bloggers, radio-talk-shows, etc., I began to form a different opinion of my world and this universe…. I became jaded and cynical. I shut down all possibilities of the interaction with the Divine, which went against my Direct experience to the contrary.

I then put up a radio show who’s aim was to expose the fraud, and I allowed myself to be led by others who also felt the same way. I didn’t trust anything anymore — until, I had this experience at a church…

I hope this story touches you as the experience touched me. And may the words of Ted Nottingham, in the video that follows, also find a special room in your heart.

Blessings and Merry CHRIST-mas!

Ari Kopel

I went to church today. Yep – I couldn’t believe it! I hadn’t been to church in years! I had been invited by my daughter, who happens to work at the church taking care of the children at the nursery. Because she sings classical, she was invited to sing at the service this Sunday morning. She had performed a singing recital there several months ago, and they needed her to sing during the offering because the Choir was still out on Christmas vacation.

So, I went in order to hear her sing. I got dressed, bracing myself for a typical “religious” Guilt-trip lecture from the pulpit. I braced myself for the having to stand up every 5 minutes or so and everyone saying memorized lines and singing hymns I was unfamiliar with. I braced myself for the rituals, the brainwash, the scripture taken out of context, the disinformation, the so-called satanic influence over the Sheeple.

But, before I arrived at the church, I had stopped at Starbucks to get myself some Chai Latte and hot tea for my daughter. It soothes her throat and makes her sing better. When I finally arrived at the Church, I looked for her, since she had arrived much earlier to rehearse with her accompanist. I found her in the choir room. I gave her the tea and sat quietly towards the back of the room.

I watched her interaction with the accompanist, as I sipped my Chai. It was charming to watch. I realized I was enjoying being there, almost like a fly would feel being on a wall, listening to the interactions between people. I was visible though, yet the interaction went on despite my being there. I loved observing the innocence, the good-heartedness, the humility and the service-to-others demeanor in my daughter. Although she wasn’t brought up with any religious doctrine, she embraced The Christ Consciousness by Walking The Walk and in being present for others. So, here she was at a church that she didn’t belong to, being in service to their Sunday Worship.

An older woman, an elder of the church came in checking up on my daughter and the accompanist. She discussed music for next Sunday’s service. I jumped in the conversation and mentioned that I was able to find parking rather easily. My daughter then told me that most of the church members were still out of town and it was supposed to be pretty empty. My daughter chuckled and said that it was good thing that it was rather empty…. this way she could sing without being a nervous wreck.

It was time to enter the sanctuary. I sat in the second row, behind my daughter and the accompanist.  I looked around. There were maybe three other people in the sanctuary.

Ten minutes went by.  I had made myself busy by checking emails on my smartphone. I hadn’t realized that more people had arrived. I was just there to hear my daughter sing and that was it.  So, I continued to be engaged in my thoughts, preoccupied with mundane things, playing back mental tapes of ordeals that had transpired in my life and the absurdity of the occurrences.  I was elsewhere. My body was sitting on a church bench, observing a hymn book and two bibles nestled within a rack that was fastened to the bench in front of me. I was looking at them because my eyes were open, with no intention of using them. My mind was keeping me engaged in things that needed my attention and allowed me relief from the realization that I was at “church”.  

The pastor walked in. I had imagined an older man. Maybe someone you would see seated in one of those Throne-like chairs at the Vatican. I was also picturing maybe one of those Bible-Thumping pastors that have this air of arrogance and fakery- but, no. This one was in his mid-forties, dressed in a black robe. He was tall and had salt and pepper hair. His demeanor was kind and refined. He seemed like someone I would like to be friends with. He was charismatic, yet low-keyed – more like humble.

 A woman opened up the service. She must have been a co-pastor. And when she started to speak, I took a quick look behind me and realized that the church wasn’t empty. It was more than half full.

My body was still sitting on the bench, as I half-listened and half day-dreamed. When the congregation got up, I got up. When they sang, I mumbled or fumbled through the Hymn book, pretending to be interested. They sat down and I sat down. They knew I was the singer’s Mom, so I had to be polite and pretend to care and be engaged. I didn’t know what I was doing. I felt like the new kid in school.

Then the pastor spoke. His voice was mellow and kind. He spoke about The Christ and what that meant. He gave parallels to the time of Jesus and modern times. He spoke about how Jesus was born in a time of turmoil, in a time when many children were massacred by Herod to try to eradicate the young Jesus. He examined how Jesus came into a world that was as bad as the world we live in now, a world where children are massacred or trafficked, where there is war and maiming, a world where men in lust of power create atrocities. He spoke about what Jesus’ family had to do to protect Him and why He came to this world during that time in order to bring His Light into such darkness.

 He then said that all of us, when we come together with the intention to bring this Light into the world, can dispel this darkness. It is about all of us coming together with this one intent, with this one purpose…

And what I heard him say, without him saying it, was that we are The Christs on this Earth!

And while he spoke with such passion and humility, I was deeply moved. I had a lump in my throat and fought very hard not to cry. And when he finished, I was fully present… and I said Amen, my vision blurry from the tears that had formed as a fine film over my eyes.

The accompanist sat at the piano and my daughter got up to sing during the offering….

My daughter sang with the most Angelic voice I have ever heard, taking the experience of the message to a higher level; and I was transported to a Realm of Angels, a Realm where only Pure Love, Eternal Peace and The Illumined Truth Reigns….

Each word froze in time. They hung like ornaments in a frost-covered tree… allowing me to savor their meaning….



Oh holy night! The stars are brightly shining,

It is the night of the dear Saviors birth.

Long lay the world in sin and error pining,

Till He appeared and the soul felt it’s worth.

A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,

For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.


Fall on your knees! Oh, hear the angel voices!

Oh night divine, Oh night when Christ was born;


Truly He taught us to love one another;

His law is love and His gospel is peace.

Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother;

And in His name all oppression shall cease.

Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,

Let all within us praise His holy name.


Christ is the Lord! O praise His Name forever,

His power and glory evermore proclaim.


Fall on your knees! Oh, hear the angel voices!

Oh night divine, Oh night when Christ was born;

Oh night divine, Oh night, Oh night Divine.


I closed my eyes and saw only Light. A warm tear gently made its way down my cheek.  I felt a peaceful loving presence in the stillness of the congregation, in the frequency of the music and the voice of my daughter. I felt the presence of The Holy Spirit – The same Holy Spirit I had felt so often when I was a youngster. Its presence would fill me. It would warm up my soul and make me feel such joy and peace and love. It was transformational. It was a presence that broke down all separation and all notion of darkness. It was all encompassing.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the magnificent arched  and transparent window of the church that was behind the pulpit. The sun’s rays were shining through it and a set of white doves flew out of a bush and disappeared into the blue sky.

The Holy Spirit and the Presence of The Christ were here in the sanctuary, and I felt my “oneness” with everyone present – everyone who had made the commitment to be congregated at that moment in time and space for communion with The One they knew as The Christ. They worshiped in silence and in deep humility. And I was humbled to feel their soft, loving energy, that energy of surrender and meekness. I was basking in the presence of The Holy Spirit in that sanctuary, in the presence of beautiful people that came to be one with whom they deemed to be The Lord. 

As everyone was being bathed by the same Loving Presence, I smiled within myself, embracing the understanding that this Experience is possible anywhere, even in what we’ve come to “judge” as a fallen/satanic religious institution or doctrine. And so I ask a rhetorical question: Is it possible then that Christ is everywhere? Is it possible to reach True Enlightenment with any path? Is it possible that we are clouding our own judgment and not allowing The Experiences with the Divine Realms to occur in our lives, believing that we are in a Hell Realm, infested by Demonic creatures that are enslaving us? Are we creating our own Hell and our own “inability” to Transcend by having to “Comprehend”? And who is feeding us the information to fill our minds? Who is giving us the labels and definitions?

Ramakrishna mastered several religions, reaching enlightenment in each – and concluded that all religions are a pathway to God!

I now question those who have been debunking, debating, questioning, and judging those that have chosen certain religious paths to reach to The Truth. I question the New Age, Spiritual-Community-Skeptics and Naysayers, the Intellectual-Spirituals – the ones that love the debate but have yet to have direct experiences of their own and who are quick to say that there are no such ExperiencesRealms or Beings of Light or that it is all part of the fallen construct.

I realized today that experiences with the Illumined Worlds/Kingdom of Heaven can be obtained anywhere and within any religion or spiritual practice that is in alignment with the Divine, even if only two or three are gathered with that intent.  And even if the underlying agenda of a religious sect is not serving the Divine, if those that show up with the right intention and expectation to connect with the Divine congregate there, this desire is the Creative Force necessary that ignites that dormant Divine Spark in them, thus allowing their Light to transform any underlying negative or dark force that would cloud an otherwise dark/sinister religion.

Connection with The Divine Realms is as simple as letting go of the mind, especially preconceived or implanted thoughts/beliefs, and allowing the experience to unfold without any predetermined ideas of what this should look like or feel like and without any expectations of the outcome. Many who have had Experiences with the Illumined Realms approach this Divine connection in a state of humility and with the awe and excitement of a little child.

So, yes I found Christ at Church today – but He wasn’t hanging on the cross. Christ was alive in each one of us that were there with open hearts, ready to receive healing, peace and a Love that is not experienced on Earth.

Experienced this “magic” today in an unpretentious church in Nashville, TN – one of many churches in this Bible-Belt city and state. I found it because something happened that allowed me to open up, and this led to my recognizing it when it presented itself to me. I received a gift today from what many call The Holy Spirit and I gladly accepted it.

After the service, I lingered at the sanctuary for a little while longer, not wanting to leave that energy, that presence. But when I did, I left complete and whole, and my soul was full.

– Ari Kopel

Here is the Sermon the Sunday after Christmas, 2013 in Nashville, TN:

After Christmas Sermon 2013

And Oh Holy Night sung by my daughter at about 8:15 minutes in:

Oh Holy Night and Prayer



In Uncategorized on December 23, 2015 at 12:45 am

Why does my gut tell me that something isn’t right here?

I smell another deception plot…Do we want disclosure so badly that we again take up “Selective Discernment” and refuse to see the obvious?

Just by looking at the craft/satellite or Dark Knight Satellite and knowing how long it’s been, supposedly, orbiting our planet, should get us to see the obvious: it’s been in observation-mode all this time, and “possibly” there for maintaining the Matrix Hologram. The former seems to be accurate and the latter has a real good possibility of being the case.


The craft/satellite, doesn’t make me feel good, or give me positive vibes. The fact that Pepsi put this out is also a RED FLAG, especially the instructions given in the commercial to welcome the “visitors”.


History of The Black Knight Satellite

The Pepsi Commercial and Following Commentary:


I have experienced the higher-vibratory Lightships and this is nothing like that – nothing! The Lightships are always in observation mode and in service, and don’t need to get us “mentally prepared” to embrace them. They have no agenda that they have to disguise by enticing us with the promise of technology or other “gifts”. When this happens, it is usually a Trojan Horse! 


This “mental” preparation is really an inoculation against something that is more than likely not benign. I can only speculate that if the Pepsi commercial is aiming at getting us used to the idea of an alien species that has been hovering over our heads, its intention is probably not in our best interest. And through their acute awareness of how our free will plays into this, they are inviting us to create signs or other demonstrations in order to welcome them in. 

This is just my observation and conclusion based on what I have experienced that does have our best interest at heart and doesn’t need corporations to broadcast the message to welcome them by the Full Moon. So how badly do we want disclosure? And will we be sorry for what we wished for?

Something smells very foul. I personally don’t need disclosure. I KNOW we’re not alone from personal experience. And those of us “in the know” should be a bit more careful of what we’re wanting to get disclosed and allow to mingle among us. Once Pandora’s Box is open, it’ll be too late to put back what we don’t want. 

So, here too we need to be very vigilant, because nothing is the way it appears.

Please use your MAXIMUM Discernment and make up your own minds.


Ari Kopel

About the Author:

270e84_7ffbdca8fc4e4f5d9f41430393525662Ari Kopel is the Bestselling Author of “Spiritual Warfare & The Art of Deception: The Hijacking of Spirituality” and “Getting Back to Source: Tools for Connection, Protection and Empowerment”. Both became #1 Bestsellers and #1 New Releases in Amazon.

She specializes in Spiritual Psychology and is a counselor for those who are seeking to have a more profound experience with the God of their understanding and become fully empowered to help themselves, their loved ones and humanity.

Ari is also the founder of and the radio show host and creator of“Shattering the Matrix” on BlogTalkRadio.

You can get in touch with Ari by going to her website:

SW_Bestseller              9780986176913

Get Books at Amazon:  “Spiritual Warfare & The Art of Deception” and         “Getting Back to Source


When We Reach 102 With No Regrets

In Uncategorized on December 13, 2015 at 10:51 pm

What memories are we making for ourselves and what will others remember about us? Did we help others? Did we inspire? Did we generate smiles and warm hearts? Did we console the sorrows of others? In short, did we make a difference?

What is the movie script that “we” have written for ourselves, the one that others will play back in their minds when thinking about us?

It’s true that not everyone perceives us or our intentions in the same way… Boy, do I know that!

Sometimes we think we’re doing good, when in reality it’s interpreted as negative. And sometimes we mean well with our actions, when no one asked for our help or intervention…


Either way, life is about showing up  and living it the best way we can, with no regrets. It is about taking the gift of our lives and making the best of it. And in the process, hopefully making a difference in this world in whichever way we can.

Here is a wonderful little video of a lady who is 102 years young, as she sees herself, for the first time, dancing on film.

Yes, she’s currently old and incapacitated. But this is not the Real her. The Real her is talented, connected to music, enjoys life and lives in the moment. The Real her, which is her Divine Essence, is filled with effervescence – the joie de vivre. 

18uvapw76nyu5jpgShe could believe that her current physical state is who she really is… She could feel incapable, old, unattractive, forgetful, slow, ill, needy and a burden to others. She may even have forgotten all the wonderful things she did when she was younger – which are just really minuscule moments in time, within the larger framework of the Universe. And within those nanoseconds which form a complete life, a rich history for her life-stream exits.

Based on the exterior or current circumstances, we can’t see the Real her. How could we? But despite outer appearances, that spark that makes her who she is is still there – dormant.

Until we remember who we are – or are reminded – we will believe that we are our circumstances. We are quick to forget the greatness that we are still capable of, and all the greatness we have already accomplished!


The true essence of that wonderful woman, now 102, was captured on film. What we see is her youthful self, expressing within that nanosecond of time called “her life”. It is a moment that represents the choice she made for her specific path, within the infinite possibilities for her life-stream. By observing her past, we can assess the make-up of that soul’s choices. She expressed her life by sharing her talents with the world and enjoying herself in the process. 

And this is all that is asked of us when we come to a world:  to participate and allow Creator to express Itself through us, so that in turn It can know Its Creation because of us.

We are participants in this world, and should be engaged in living the life we have to the fullest; making a difference every moment; and as if there’s no tomorrow.

And then, when we are 102, there should be no regrets…

And our heart should be full.

– Ari Kopel


About the Author:

270e84_7ffbdca8fc4e4f5d9f41430393525662Ari Kopel is the Bestselling Author of “Spiritual Warfare & The Art of Deception: The Hijacking of Spirituality” and “Getting Back to Source: Tools for Connection, Protection and Empowerment”. Both became #1 Bestsellers and #1 New Releases in Amazon.

She specializes in Spiritual Psychology and is a counselor for those who are seeking to have a more profound experience with the God of their understanding and become fully empowered to help themselves, their loved ones and humanity.

Ari is also the founder of and the radio show host and creator of“Shattering the Matrix” on BlogTalkRadio.

You can get in touch with Ari by going to her website:

SW_Bestseller              9780986176913

Get Books at Amazon:  “Spiritual Warfare & The Art of Deception” and         “Getting Back to Source

NWO Strategy Implemented: Free Speech Under Attack!

In Uncategorized on December 7, 2015 at 6:24 pm

The New World Order (NWO) Puppeteers have their goons out on the street, pretending to be regular folks, in order to arrest those that are divulging the truth about what their agenda is about.


If what these Elitist propose is so good for us, what difference would it make if a couple of folks stand at a corner or on a stage with a bullhorn yelling falsities? Ultimately, the proof would be in the pudding, right? And everyone would say, “Oh, they’re just a bunch of conspiracy theorists. And as usual, nothing they say is true!”

But, they’re not. The public is being silenced as soon as they attempt to say anything that would shed Light into what these globalists are really doing! These acts of “silencing” just shows that what they’re up to is No Good!

muslims-protest-outside-the-french-embassy-in-london_1466851-640x426So, pay close attention, because what is being done in Paris is a model for what is to come worldwide and coming to a neighborhood near you! In the U.S., Attorney General Loretta Lynch will prosecute anyone who speaks negatively about Radicalized Islamist Terrorism because it will be offensive to Muslims and thus can lead to violence. Really? Where is the prosecution of those running ISIS Training Camps, or those that speak negatively about our ways and traditions, or want to impose theirs on our soil?

We pretty much have to allow terrorism and radical ideology to reshape our society, our culture, our religion, our moral foundation – without protest or criticism. It’s the “turning the other cheek” or allowing the Bully to take your lunch money! And this is the perfect example of where the few are attempting to control the many – by design – via new, imposed laws and swift changes to our constitution. If that isn’t an agenda to annihilate our way of life, I don’t know what is.


Am I being judgmental of a race of people? No! I’m JUDGING a situation that is not in alignment with what is Godly or with the values I hold dear, values that have made the United States of America great. This is a sinister movement created by those who deem themselves above reproach, above the Law of God – or the law of man. It is conceived by those who sit behind closed doors, smoking their cigars, pipes or bongs and drinking their liquors, brandy or blood from Satanic Rituals and their sacrificed victims. This is a Spiritual War between the powers of Light and those of Darkness, manifesting in the physical world. The aim is to dismantle all evidence of democracy, godliness, innocence and freedom. What will be experienced, instead, promises to deliver oppression, suffering, vileness and enslavement.


And they do this a step at a time, wait for a reaction, and then determine whether its too early in the game to go full force. They determine if the idea still has to marinate for a while. When they feel the time is ripe, they escalate the agenda by creating more incidents that will require rapid action on their part. And then they go on the Media and start a relentless campaign to win public opinion.

massAnd so we see the continuous and escalating, fabricated shootings in the United States and the terrorist attacks sprouting everywhere on the globe. The agenda is to take guns away from those that can still carry them, so that when they unleash the plan in full, no one can defend themselves. This is especially true when these so-called “terrorists” carry weaponry and training provided by the U.S. “Dark Forces”. It makes the take-over a non-issue.


Pretty soon, we won’t even be able to warn one another via the internet, as they will be censoring this too! So, we must – MUST – get busy, spreading this information to EVERYONE right now, regardless of how much resistance we get back, because some seeds of truth will germinate and some folks may begin to realize what is being done to humanity. For those that don’t “get it”, we must be at peace with ourselves, knowing that we did our best in helping them see. We must also remember that we can’t “make” them see. 


The minions in service to the Dark Forces are busy making sure that all the prophecies of an apocalyptic end-time scenario plays out  – after all, they wrote the playbook!

Study their playbook by watching similarities in how they conduct themselves and set things up. This way, you’ll know their next move soon enough, stay ahead of their plan and warn others. 


By staying ahead of their plan, you WILL have more options available to you. These lead to wiser choices that will result in your safety and staying in a place of neutrality and not fear. Having options and planning ahead leads to peace of mind and peace of heart, so that you can act from a clear and level head.

The conclusion is that we’re way past the point of visualizing anything into existence, because we need to follow that visualization with action, and we have been too complacent for sometime now. We must admit that the “other side” has been more clever and cunning than we have been, keeping us duped while they made their moves!

We have given our power away and we must now live with the consequences, unfortunately. This will be a costly lesson on planet Earth. And many still think they will not suffer this because they’ve worked on themselves and are surely going to be whisked away one way or another.

I say: “Please send me a postcard from wherever you’re going. And if you find yourself still here, you may want to get a plan together as quickly as possible, so that possible suffering is greatly diminished!”

Stay Safe!

– Ari Kopel


The concept for this article was taken from  Ari Kopel’s new Bestsellers Spiritual Warfare & the Art of Deception: The Hijacking of Spirituality”   and “Getting Back to Source: Tools for Connection, Protection and Empowerment

About the Author:

270e84_7ffbdca8fc4e4f5d9f41430393525662 Ari Kopel is the Bestselling Author of “Spiritual Warfare & The Art of Deception: The Hijacking of Spirituality” and “Getting Back to Source: Tools for Connection, Protection and Empowerment”. Both became #1 Bestsellers and #1 New Releases in Amazon.

She specializes in Spiritual Psychology and is a counselor for those who are seeking to have a more profound experience with the God of their understanding and become fully empowered to help themselves, their loved ones and humanity.

Ari is also the founder of and the radio show host and creator of“Shattering the Matrix” on BlogTalkRadio.

You can get in touch with Ari by going to her website: