Ari Kopel

Spiritual Definition – What’s A Woman?

In Personal Empowerment, World Affairs on June 4, 2023 at 10:39 pm

Young woman holds baby

What’s a woman seems to be one of the most popular and important questions of this time! The question is asked often — in Congress, mainstream media, in blog posts and social media. But, no one has yet answered that question. They either won’t answer because in doing so their cause would be shattered right before their eyes, or they simply don’t know.


Perhaps it hasn’t been answered because it’s not a one word definition, or a one-liner. The definition is more complex and more profound! If you know a real biological woman, you’ve already encountered “the puzzle” and have perhaps concluded that she is multi-layered, complex and mysterious in many ways.  


The important question “What’s a Woman” should be posed to those transitioning into a women and those transitioning out, before their irreversible procedure is done. The truth is that being a woman is not one set of behaviors, emotions or lack thereof. It’s a continuum of these. They range from being strong and even aggressive in behavior to very weak, vulnerable behavior and delicate, emotional states. Yes, all these can be found in the same woman!


Womanhood is like a software program that originates in the “Realms of Creation.” It is the essence of that Higher Intelligence — a part of the “Original Spark” — that animates a natural, biological, female body with the attributes necessary to make her function as a female human being. 


A Higher Intelligence designed, wrote and implemented this specific “code” that would then be used by the female body, with it’s female organs and hormones to express subliminally, as a female. 


“A Master, Source-Coder or Celestial Programmer/Intelligence” had an original intention to encode Its Creation in this manner. 


Biological women, therefore, are naturally “wired” or encoded with the ability to connect to a Higher Power. Do all natural biological women do so? No. However, the potential for this connection is inherently there.  


Monkey feeding a cheetah


Because real biological women can tap into the Force of Creation instinctively, they are capable of tapping into the power of creation itself, which includes that force found in nature that births life and sustains it.


Most women also have a natural gift of healing others and making others whole. A woman can tap into that realm of Divine Intuition. From there, they receive the highest-levels of inspiration and creativity. In short, a woman functions in a manner that is in tune to that “life-force” found in nature and Creation itself.


So, biological women are more spiritual, and because of this, they also have the capacity for mercy, compassion, and peaceful resolutions.



Women tend to show their vulnerability more, and seem to be more emotional than logical because their method of navigating in this world is through their heart.




A woman isn’t defined by her makeup, clothes, hairstyle, lifestyle, or the way she speaks or walks. And she is not defined by her mannerisms! 


Many biological women are housewives, athletes, professionals, moms, aunts, sisters, grandmas and great grandmas. Many women don’t feel a need to wear makeup or wear fancy clothes. They have come to a point in their lives where they feel good about themselves just the way they are. Some have reached a level of spiritual maturity where they don’t have a need to flaunt their sexuality to attract attention or a partner.


Women tend to be resilient and many have endured a lot of grief and emotional or psychological pain that comes from great disappointments. Some have battled illnesses like cancer where they’ve had their ovaries removed or their uterus removed, or they have lost their breasts. Despite these organs not being a part of them any longer, these did serve, at one point in life, to help fulfill the possible role of motherhood. And although a woman may no longer have these parts, the underlying “software” that was originally downloaded at birth is still lingering as part of her being and inhabits every cell of her body. 


There exists an underlying ethereal component, a spiritual essence that infuses the biology of a woman so that she expresses as such without having to think how to behave like one! Therefore, a Woman just IS. There is no mental effort involved.


young woman with glasses


Many real women are reserved, modest and quiet. Some are not. Some can have strong personalities and be very outspoken. Some are single moms, and others may manage a business or a profession. But there is a common thread within all the different shades of personalities. That thread is an underlying spiritual component that dwells within the biology of a woman. Most of the time, the Female persona is expressed subconsciously. It is natural and second-natured, not forced or contrived. 


Grieving Woman


Putting it another way, being a woman is determined by that “Master Programmer.” This higher intelligence wrote the Etheric Codes which ultimately instructs the “biological hardware” or physical body to secrete certain hormones, ovulate, coat a uterus so that it can host a fertilized egg to form a new life, swell mammary glands for the preparation of life-giving sustenance, and makes a woman have the emotions and a more evolved conscience that enables the attributes of empathy, compassion and love to manifest.


No, this is not a one-word definition or a one-sentence explanation. But, as many of us know, women are very complicated! There is so much more to us than a simple definition. 


Finger of Universal God


Someone deciding to chop off parts and creating a fake cavity that will never truly serve them correctly may find they have a facsimile of the “hardware”, but the “Software” download never took place.


The spiritual software that should have come at birth and that allowed all these organs and parts to function correctly, in alignment with those Higher Codes, is simply not present. Forcing womanhood without this encoding is a forgery of nature.


Therefore, the physical component alone – the flesh being changed to have characteristics that emulate a female body lacks that crucial component that makes it authentic and allows it to express as it was intended, naturally and without forcing it.


Hand holding Earth


Woman has an important role, as an acting Microcosm within the Macrocosm of Creation! Woman, as she was originally intended, stands on the “Right Side of God”, serving as a Co-Creator. Regardless of her age, she will have maternal inclinations; and if she functions from a spiritual connection and understanding, she will also have the desire to defend life. Regardless of what life throws at her, innately she possesses humane qualities that are at her disposal. 


Maybe Womankind has been assigned the task to heal and/or salvage this planet and return it to its Original Blueprint and Intention. Maybe, if and when a new Earth is birthed, Womankind will step up to guard it, sustain it, and embrace it as its own! 




A New Earth is indeed birthing and we’re experiencing the pangs! Most women are tired by now, or so much older. But, we will hold the new creation like a baby, and make sure it makes it and has a shot at a great destiny!


Those of us who are connected with that Force of Creation are the Matriarchs of this New Earth! 


Womanhood doesn’t have a short definition.

We are multi-dimensional and  multi-layered. We embrace the universal codes of creation in our DNA and nurture them in our heart. 


We are the “Divine Feminine”, the keepers of the Creation-Codes, codes that will herald the birth of a better, gentler and more loving world. 


And so it is!


– Ari Kopel

About the Author:


Ari Kopel is the Bestselling Author of “Spiritual Warfare & The Art of Deception: The Hijacking of Spirituality” and “Getting Back to Source: Tools for Connection, Protection and Empowerment”. Both became #1 Bestsellers and #1 New Releases in Amazon.

She specializes in Spiritual Psychology and is a counselor for those who are seeking to have a more profound experience with the God of their understanding and become fully empowered to help themselves, their loved ones and humanity.

Ari is also the radio show host and creator of “Shattering the Matrix” on You Tube.

Join Ari at, social network for up-to-date news and information about this matrix and how to exit it!

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